Corrigo – download the whole thesis

We are done.

No, don’t worry – we are still kind of pre-seed in terms of Corrigo, the product. But we are done with our studies. And to proof that we are officially through we proudly present you our diploma thesis! As some of you had asked how things went we like to humbly add that we achieved a “1,0″ for the whole thesis as well as for our “defence”.

As we graduated from German University of Applied Sciences h_da the whole thesis is written in German. So if you don’t bother or just want to enjoy the shiny pictures (pp. 107 ff!) you’re welcome to download the

full version of “Corrigo – Conception of a Crowdsourced Media Accountability Service” (pdf!)

P.S.: After having researched the great universe of errors we are completeley convinced that there has to be at least one error among these many pages. So if you find one, please tell us – so that we can correct our mistake :)

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3 Responses to Corrigo – download the whole thesis

  1. Pingback: Let’s make it hacken! | corrigo

  2. Saifullah says:

    Great!- Dear Sir I need its English version. It would be helpful for me own thesis.


  3. Dear Saifullah,

    I am very sorry but there is no English version. However we will soon publish an adapted version for the open source community which will definitely be written in English :)

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