Approved. Twice!

One hundred sixty-two pages – that’s our final output of four years of online journalism at h_da University of Applied Sciences. And it’s also all about our visions and whishes that constitute Corrigo.

We already passed our oral exams and are now looking forward to our graduation (party!). By Friday you can call us Diplom-Online-Journalisten.

And there’s even more we can celebrate: We actually made it and can advance to the next stage within the Knight-Mozilla challenge “Beyond Comment Threads”!

We are really proud to be chosen to join 60 other participants attending a four-week learning lab. There will be two mandatory lectures (entirely online) each week – including speakers like John Resig and Jeff Jarvis. Awesome!

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One Response to Approved. Twice!

  1. Pingback: We want to touch it | corrigo

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