Tag Archives: corrigo

Let’s make it hacken – at ZEIT Online in Berlin

Update: Sorry, we have to cancel this date and will hopefully provide you with a new one soon.     The great thing about Corrigo is that there are so many people encouraging us to carry on with it. You … Continue reading

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Thank god it’s Webmonday

Photo by MicialMedia – thank you! No doubt about it. We were a bit disappointed that we did not make it to Berlin. That our final assignment was – so far – the last post about the Knight-Mozilla learning lab, … Continue reading

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Final assignment: Proposing Corrigo

Time has been flying for the past four weeks. It feels like yesterday having entered the virtual classroom of Knight-Mozilla learning lab for the first time. Now, by submitting our final assignment, we want to thank Knight-Mozilla for making this … Continue reading

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A hack diving into the world of hackers

It’s the third week of Knight-Mozilla learning lab and as we’re looking forward to the lectures of Shazna Nessa, Director of Interactive at the Associated Press in New York, Mohamed Nanabhay, Head of New Media at the AlJazeera Network, and … Continue reading

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Corrigo – download the whole thesis

We are done. No, don’t worry – we are still kind of pre-seed in terms of Corrigo, the product. But we are done with our studies. And to proof that we are officially through we proudly present you our diploma … Continue reading

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Approved. Twice!

One hundred sixty-two pages – that’s our final output of four years of online journalism at h_da University of Applied Sciences. And it’s also all about our visions and whishes that constitute Corrigo. We already passed our oral exams and … Continue reading

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How corrigo works: Submission for Mozilla + Journalism

Yeah, yeah, yeah! We finally did it and put our presentation together so we could upload it to the Mozilla Drumbeat platform as a submission for the MoJo competition Beyond Comment Threads. That’s how we pitched: It all began with … Continue reading

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