Tag Archives: Knight-Mozilla

Final assignment: Proposing Corrigo

Time has been flying for the past four weeks. It feels like yesterday having entered the virtual classroom of Knight-Mozilla learning lab for the first time. Now, by submitting our final assignment, we want to thank Knight-Mozilla for making this … Continue reading

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Journalists featuring crowd

The third week Knight-Mozilla learning lab Mohamed Nanabhay, Head of Online at Al Jazeera English, and Shazna Nessa, Director of Interactive at the Associated Press in New York delivered insights of the work and workflows of their newsrooms. For us … Continue reading

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A hack diving into the world of hackers

It’s the third week of Knight-Mozilla learning lab and as we’re looking forward to the lectures of Shazna Nessa, Director of Interactive at the Associated Press in New York, Mohamed Nanabhay, Head of New Media at the AlJazeera Network, and … Continue reading

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Let’s make it hacken!

Having studied online journalism for four years we’ve thought a lot on how to enhance journalism with excisting tools. We experimented with Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, Diigo – let’s say dozens of services. But I’m not sure if we – despite … Continue reading

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Approved. Twice!

One hundred sixty-two pages – that’s our final output of four years of online journalism at h_da University of Applied Sciences. And it’s also all about our visions and whishes that constitute Corrigo. We already passed our oral exams and … Continue reading

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